I. Introduction

Web3 developers shape the next generation Internet. The technology behind it is more secure, transparent and private than before. Web3 key components are decentralization and blockchain. They aim to give more control and direct transactions to their users.

Web3 developers are crucial for the Web3 ecosystem. They are its creators and maintainers. Their deep understanding of programming languages allows them to develop decentralized applications. They help businesses understand the benefits of dApps, smart contracts and decentralized protocols. There are 5 reasons to hire Web3 developers.

II. Reason #1: Expertise in Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a decentralized ledger technology that allows secure and transparent peer-to-peer transactions. It does not need a central authority. Web3 developers are well-versed in blockchain technology as it is part of the Web3 ecosystem. They understand its mechanisms, cryptography and decentralized government.

This technology can benefit certain industries, such as finance and banking. Blockchain can provide faster, more secure and transparent transactions, unlike traditional payment methods. Banks are third parties and that causes challenges like higher costs. The banker that verifies the transactions needs to make a profit and it takes time for him to approve the payment. Healthcare is another industry, in which blockchain can make improvements. This technology is capable of securing data and sharing medical records. The health condition of a person is private information, so securing it in a highly advanced ledger like this one is important. Elections are also an area where blockchain can secure a fair vote and reduce the risk of fraud. The people guarding the election can be bribed to create fake votes and count the papers wrongly. Third parties are individuals that people do not always trust. At the same time, the blockchain’s advanced technology is very hard to manipulate.

III. Reason #2: Understanding of Decentralization

Part of the 5 reasons to hire Web3 developers is their knowledge of decentralization. This component is fundamental for the Web3 ecosystem as it operates away from a central authority. Web3 developers can understand the challenges related to decentralization and create its ecosystem. They are aware that most stores do not accept decentralized payments, but traditional methods with bank money. Web3 developers are solving such issues. They make decentralized payments more accessible for the average person with a phone. Another challenge is complying with the government that should allow such a payment method.

Many examples prove how decentralization improves security and transparency in society. First, the need for a third party is gone, resulting in secure transactions without interference. Second, the resilience to attacks is greater. The danger of cyber attacks is higher when a person relies on a single entity, which can be a banker. Decentralization makes it hard to have any form of interference because the data is end-to-end encrypted. Third, transparent governance is higher. When the power is decentralized, it is distributed to its users by allowing them to take part in the decision-making. They can vote for a new type of financial service that they want from their decentralized app.

IV. Reason #3: Familiarity with Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing programs. They enforce the terms of the agreement between the two parties. Web3 developers use and deploy smart contracts on programming languages like Solidity. This software is the tool used for designing the terms of the agreement. The developers can create and structure such protocols.

Real estate is a good example of how smart contracts can streamline processes and reduce costs. The lack of real estate agents reduces the cost and the chances of fraud. The likelihood of such practices happening is low but some realtors can act unexpectedly. They can force the buyer to pay upfront as they disappear and he has nothing at the end. Smart contracts solve this issue. They protect the agreement between the seller and the buyer. These protocols can automatically approve the transactions. The insurance industry is another area ready for improvements. Smart contracts can automate the whole process by removing insurance agents and claims adjusters. This modern and secure way of approving agreements can replace mediators and third-party agents in many sectors.

V. Reason #4: Knowledge of Cryptocurrencies

The knowledge of cryptocurrencies is an essential part of the 5 reasons to hire Web3 developers. The term describes a digital asset on the blockchain, which is being used as a decentralized and secure method of payment. The Web3 developers understand how cryptocurrencies are created, stored, transferred and secured there. They know how to integrate them into the blockchain by being familiar with the different protocols. Bitcoin is an example of a cryptocurrency that is a store of value and it is often compared with gold. Ethereum is another digital asset that is part of a programmable blockchain used for DeFi, NFTs and new smart contracts.

Cryptocurrencies can find utilization for many purposes. One of them is peer-to-peer transactions. One person can send digital money, known as cryptocurrencies, to another one. The procedure happens within seconds in a secure end-to-end encrypted method. This transaction feels like sending a message to a friend, who is on the other side of the world, and he receives it on the spot. Another benefit is the store of value that cryptocurrencies give. People purchase Bitcoin because its amount is scarce and limited, unlike the bank that prints money each year.

VI. Reason #5: Ability to Develop dApps

DApps are decentralized applications that run on the blockchain. They use smart contracts to execute the codes of transactions. Web3 developers usually create dApps by choosing a blockchain platform like Ethereum, Polkadot and Solana. The next step is defining the architecture of the decentralized application, writing the smart contracts and connecting them to the blockchain. Their expertise is not only that, as they know how to maintain this advanced software.

Different dApps exist and each one of them has a certain impact. Uniswap is a famous decentralized application, under the Ethereum blockchain. It uses an automated market-making system to set prices without buyer and seller matching orders. The unique feature is how all the fees of the app go to the liquidity providers. In centralized apps like mobile banking, all the fees go to the organization itself. Other dApps include Golem, which rents out computing power to others, and CryptoKitties, which allows its customers to buy, sell, and breed virtual cats. These new forms of applications use entertainment and games. The approach is an attempt to diversify their functionality and purpose.

VII. Conclusion

The 5 reasons to hire Web3 developers include their Web3 expertise. It covers blockchain, decentralization, smart contracts, cryptocurrencies and dApps. Their role is very important as it is developing many industries at the same time. These experts can create dApps operating in a decentralized environment. The benefits are providing security, transparency and lower costs to its users.

By hiring Web3 developers for your project, you will have access to blockchain and decentralized contracts. This practice will help your business by saving on costs, reducing fraud and removing any lack of transparency. Such investment will put you ahead of the competition. Others still rely on traditional, expensive and insecure third parties to verify their processes.