First of all, you need to answer the question: who is the translation of ach? A translator is a professional who creates written or spoken content in a particular language that is equivalent to written or spoken content in another language.
It is worth noting that mastering the language is not enough to work as a translator. Studying at an institute is not enough either, although it is undoubtedly important. But at the institute, they will only help to master the subtleties of a foreign language, they will provide a translation base, but no teacher will answer the question: how to become a translator. Becoming a translator requires a certain type of thinking and ability to speak languages. During my studies at the institute, I observed several people who were quite persistent, followed all the teachers’ recommendations, but they had no success in learning the language. It is not difficult to guess that such people will have no prospects in the work of a translator.
But abilities alone are not enough to achieve success. At school, the future translator receives only the necessary foundation: the basics of grammar and phonetics are studied. Our first vocabulary is formed. At the university, the translator begins to master the necessary subtleties of the language. But in fact, this is only help – how successful language learning will be depends only on the person himself. No teacher will be able to force you to practice those moments that cause you difficulties. And you can only build your vocabulary yourself. In addition, for the successful work of a translator, it is necessary not only to know the basics of the grammar of the language and to have the necessary vocabulary, but also to feel the language. This is necessary to convey such phenomena as word play, this skill will be extremely useful when the work of the translator is related to the translation of advertisements.

The level of professionalism of a translator is determined not only by knowledge of foreign languages, but also by knowledge of his native language, it is difficult to imagine a successful translator. Often on forums, various ways of how to increase your vocabulary are written. Most often, it is recommended to learn 10-20 words every day, repeating the ones learned earlier, as well as making cards with different word combinations. In part, these methods are useful, but they will not bring you closer to the goal of becoming a translator.
The translator needs to expand his stock not only at the communicative level, but also in highly specialized topics. The work of a translator who specializes in written translation often works with various types of documentation. Therefore, he needs to expand his vocabulary in such areas as jurisprudence, finance and economics. In addition, the translator needs to know the standards for the preparation of such documents. Therefore, it is clear that methods of “memorizing” words are not suitable for a professional because knowing words does not mean understanding.
Only a person with a broad outlook can become a translator
How can you perform translations from electromechanics and at the same time not understand anything about it? In fact, the work of a translator includes a number of other professions in a wide variety of fields: engineer, financier, economist, advertiser, doctor, and many others. Speaking about medical translations, it is worth noting that they are most often performed by people who first received a medical education. Having chosen a topic, you must first expand your knowledge in this field. Reading specialized literature will help a lot in this. This will help you better understand the chosen topic. And this, in turn, will contribute to the rapid assimilation of the necessary terminology.
The work of an interpreter has a number of features . Here it is not enough to know a foreign language and feel it, you need to think in it. The most vivid example that confirms this judgment is simultaneous translation. The translator needs to translate the speaker’s language with minimal lag.
How to become a translator of this level? For this you need:
- First: a good memory . A translator needs to remember a large amount of information. The best training method I know is the snowball. You need to choose any verse and learn a few lines, then recite them together with previously learned ones.
- Second: a syncronist needs good diction . The voice should sound confident and calm, ideally, it should imitate the intonation of the speaker. If there are any problems with diction, then the only way to overcome them is constant training and various exercises for setting the voice.
- Third: self-confidence . During the conference, anything can happen, problems with the equipment can start, the speaker can start talking on a topic that was not agreed before. It is difficult to give any advice here, each person has his own methods of concentration.
Knowledge of all of the above and constant practice are the main answers to the question: how to become a translator. Was the publication informative and useful? Do you want more interesting information about translation activities? Subscribe to our translation bureau’s blog updates , if you need a high-quality translation of a text or document, we recommend using the contacts on the site and contacting our managers.